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Draft NTP Monograph on the State of the Science on Fluoride and Neurodevelopment and Cognitive Health Effects

Document, Report, or Other Product Information
Title: Draft NTP Monograph on the State of the Science on Fluoride and Neurodevelopment and Cognitive Health Effects
Subject: The overall objective of this evaluation was to conduct a systematic review of published literature concerning the potential for exposure to fluoride to affect neurodevelopment and cognition. The review only addresses whether exposure to fluoride from any source could present a potential hazard (i.e., has the potential to cause harm, at any exposure level, including exposures that are higher than those typically encountered in the United States). Benefits of fluoride with respect to oral health are acknowledged but not addressed in this monograph.
Purpose (e.g., abstract): This letter review to be initiated in fall 2021 is to conduct external peer review of the draft NTP Monograph on the State of the Science on Fluoride and Neurodevelopment and Cognitive Health Effects.
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IC Division, Office, or Program: Division of the National Toxicology Program
NIH Contact: Mary Wolfe
[email protected]
Reviewer Names and Expertise:
Review Description: External scientific experts will review the draft report via letter
Date of Review: 2021-11-16
Number of Reviewers: 5
Reviewer Nominations Requested?
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Reviewer Expertise: systematic review, fluoride, neurodevelopment/cognition, cohorts
How Selected: NTP selected from identified experts
Opportunity for Public Comment? NO
Did any reviewers require any exception to the applicable independence or COI standards of the Bulletin, including determination by the Sec./Dep. Sec. pursuant to Section (3)(c)?
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