Photo Showcase theme: “I am the data, the data is me”
UPDATE: We've extended the submission period for our photo showcase! Submit your photo by December 31, 2024. See the details below.
For Native American Heritage Month 2024, THRO is hosting its first ever photo showcase! This year’s theme is “I am the data, the data is me: Uplifting Indigenous data visibility, voices, and sovereignty”
American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities too often are either erased or rendered invisible by being "Othered" in health data. This leaves communities with little to no information with which to make important health policy decisions. On the flip side, there are documented research harms where AI/AN communities haven’t been properly consulted or consented, leading to significant community, cultural, and socioeconomic wounds. We must do better to increase visibility and to ensure Tribal sovereignty.
Our theme this year celebrates rendering visible the invisible to ensure our AI/AN voices and vision are reflected in health data—and that the terms of that data are centered in Indigenous data sovereignty practices. “I am the data, the data is me” is in direct opposition to the idea that “I own the data, the data is mine” that too often circulates in health research arenas.
Moreover, “I am the data, the data is me” is a critical reminder that the data—whether biological, cultural, or numerical—reflects the spirit of a People and is directly tied to living AI/AN human beings, populations, and experiences. We are still here, we claim our right to be heard, to be seen, and to ensure the health and well-being of our populations. It is what the ancestors dreamed for us. It is how we honor being good ancestors in all that we do at NIH.
Through this showcase, we aim to:
- Amplify American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) voices and perspectives on what Indigenous data sovereignty means to them by sharing selected photos and stories on our website and social media around the theme “I am the data, the data is me.”
- Make visible AI/AN contemporary lived experiences and remind all that American Indians and Alaska Natives are here and expect our experiences to be reflected on our terms.
- Reflect how Indigenous ways of knowing can inform how we do science to benefit all.
Check out the information below to learn more about how to get involved!
Who can participate?
All American Indians and Alaska Natives who are 18 years old or older are encouraged to submit to the photo showcase.
What is the theme for the showcase?
The theme for the showcase is the NIH Tribal Health Research Office 2024 theme: “I am the data, the data is me,” reflecting and uplifting the importance of AI/AN visibility, Indigenous data sovereignty, and Tribes’ rights to govern their own data.
How can I submit a photo?
Follow these simple steps to submit a photo:
- Think about this statement: “I am the data, the data is me.” What does it mean to you?
- Create an original photo that shares your interpretation.
- Write a short description (1 to 3 sentences) about how your photo connects with the theme.
- Submit your photo with a short description and a completed photo release form to [email protected] anytime between now and Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
What happens if my photo is selected to be featured on THRO’s website and social media?
THRO will review all submissions and choose up to 10 photos and stories to feature throughout the year on THRO’s website and social media. If your photo and description are chosen, you’ll receive:
- Credit as the artist of the photo
- A small stipend for the use of your photo and description
In addition to being shared on THRO’s website and social media, your photo may also be used in other THRO materials, such as Zoom backgrounds or PowerPoint presentations.
Submission requirements
- All photos must include the accompanying description and photo release form to be considered.
- You can submit multiple submissions, but only 1 of your photos can be featured in the showcase.
- Your submission should not include copyrighted images—we can only accept original photos.
- All submissions must be submitted by Tuesday, December 31, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).
- Photos must be submitted in one of these formats: .jpg, .png, or .heic.
If you have any questions about these requirements, please send an email to CommunicateHealth who is supporting THRO in the photo showcase at: [email protected].
How can I help spread the word?
We welcome you to invite your AI/AN family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to participate in the photo showcase. Please feel free to share this flyer.