2:00 p.m. |
Roll Call and Welcome |
Kendra King Bowes
Project Manager, Miami Environmental & Energy Solutions (MEES)
2:05 p.m. |
Review and Modify Agenda as Needed
Lisa Sundberg,
TAC Acting Chair
2:05 p.m. |
THRO Updates
- Call for TAC members to join Working Groups on NIH Policies to be covered at the TAC in-person meeting
- Tribal Consultation Policy
- Data Management and Sharing Policy
- All of Us Research program
- Discussion of working day structure, May 25, 2020
- Highlights of STAC Meeting, Washington, DC, Feb 6-7,2020
- Announcement on THROs recruitment for 2 Senior Health Science Policy Analysts
Dave Wilson, PhD,
Assistant Director, THRO
2:20 p.m. |
AOU Tribal Consultation Report: Next steps & Timeline
- Working now to finalize tribal commitments and add a pre-consent screen into the All of Us participant portal
- Feb 28: Will post update on All of Us tribal engagement website that the All of Us interim report is pending TAC’s review
- Week of March 9th: Will send draft report to TAC (along with actions taken in response to 2018 All of Us TCWG report recommendations)
- March 26-27: In-person presentation to TAC
Lisa Sundberg,
TAC Acting Chair
2:30 p.m. |
NIH TAC Updates and Discussions
- Discussion on Proposed templates for in-person meeting agendas and presentations
Juliana M. Blome, PhD,
Assistant Director, THRO
2:45 p.m. |
March 25-27, 2020 TAC In-person Meeting, NC
- Working day for TAC Working Groups to discuss 2 NIH policies (Tribal Consultation Policy and the Data Management and Sharing) and the All of Us Research Program
- 3 Tribal Caucuses
- TAC charter review on Chair and Co-chair eligibility, attendance
- Election of Chair, Co-chair
- Open discussion
- Interim Director of NIEHS presents
- Discussion on Tribal Consultation Policy
- 2 Scientific presentations
- 2 NIH research programs
- All of Us research program
- ECHO program
- Presentation from a former a TAC delegate
Lisa Sundberg,
TAC Acting Chair
2:55 p.m. |
Wrap up and next steps discussion
- Additional topics for discussion at the monthly call
Lisa Sundberg,
TAC Acting Chair |
3:00 p.m. |
Adjourn Meeting |