Proposed Transfer of All of Us and ECHO to DPCPSI

Proposed Change

The Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) in the Office of the Director, NIH is seeking public comment regarding its proposal to transfer the All of Us Research Program Office and the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program to DPCPSI from the Office of the Director, NIH. The program offices in DPCPSI share a common mission of identifying emerging scientific opportunities, rising public health challenges, or scientific knowledge gaps that deserve special emphasis. The proposed reorganization would align these important programs with offices having similar NIH-wide functions. 

Questions and Comments

Please submit questions/comments by email to [email protected] by 11:59pm ET on June 14, 2024.


Proposed DPCPSI Organizational StructureAn orginizational chart showing the addition of ECHO and All of Us offices to DPCPSI.DPCPSI Director's OfficeOffice of AIDS ResearchOffice of Research onWomens HealthOffice of AutoimmuneDisease ResearchOffice of Behavioral andSocial Sciences ResearchOffice of DiseasePreventionOffice of StrategicCoordination(Common Fund)Division of OtherTransactionManagementOffice of ResearchInfrastructure ProgramsDivision of ComparativeMedicineDivision of Constructionand InstrumentsSexual & GenderMinority Research OfficeTribal Health ResearchOfficeOffice of Data ScienceStrategyOffice of DietarySupplementsOffice of NutritionResearchAll of UsResearchProgram Office (ALL)Office of the ChiefExecutive Officer (OCEO)Division of Medical andScientific Research(DMSR)Division of CohortDevelopment (DCD)Division of Technologyand PlatformDevelopment (DTPD)Division ofCommunications (DC)Division of Engagementand Outreach (DEO)Environmentalinfluences on ChildHealth OutcomesProgram Office (ECHO)Office of PortfolioAnalysisOffice of Evaluation,Performance, andReportingOffice of AdministrativeManagementProposed DPCPSI Organizational Chart (HNAW)
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