Office of Nutrition Research (ONR)

ONR Mission

To advance nutrition science to promote health across the lifespan and to support the development of evidence-based, equitable, context-specific, culturally appropriate, resilient, and sustainable solutions to reduce the burdens of diet-related diseases and health disparities. 

The Office of Nutrition Research:

  • Coordinates implementation of the Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research
  • Identifies research projects that deserve expanded effort and support by the NIH institutes and centers (ICs)
  • Develops, leads, and manages NIH-wide nutrition research projects in collaboration with the ICs
  • Represents the NIH on intradepartmental or interagency committees on nutrition research and related policy issues
  • Advises NIH leadership and other key officials on matters relating to research on nutrition


NIH Nutrition Research Reports

2020-2021 NIH Nutrition Research Report cover

The NIH Nutrition Research Report 2020-2021 summarizes nutrition research activities supported and conducted by NIH ICOs in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021. This report and an accompanying Executive Summary are now available. These documents detail FY19-FY21 funding levels for NIH-supported nutrition research and training, as well as providing highlights of selected accomplishments, gaps and opportunities, and future directions for nutrition.

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NutRitioNaLS: NIH Research on Nutrition Listening Sessions

The nutrition research community and interested parties are encouraged to request a listening session with relevant NIH staff to provide input on scientific ideas along with challenges, barriers, and emerging opportunities in nutrition research.

Request a Session

Director's Corner

Andrew A. Bremer, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.S.

Dr. Andrew BremerDr. Bremer was appointed Director of the NIH Office of Nutrition Research (ONR) in September 2023. In this new role, working collaboratively with the NIH Institutes and Centers, he'll work to advance and coordinate nutrition research and participate in the development of new trans-NIH funding initiatives and workshops. 

Director's Corner

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