
Implementing the Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research

The Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research was released in May 2020.  An article by Drs. Francis S. Collins and Griffin P. Rodgers, Precision Nutrition—the Answer to “What to Eat to Stay Healthy,” described NIH efforts to advance the field of precision nutrition, the core vision of the strategic plan, and introduced a large cohort study in development: Nutrition for Precision Health, powered by the All of Us Research Program.  

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has begun implementing the strategic plan and will monitor and encourage progress. As the plan is put into action, the NIH will continue to seek input from the nutrition community and others. Implementation Working Groups will pursue opportunities to

  • advance the priorities identified in each of the strategic goals and cross-cutting research areas, and
  • catalyze nutrition research at NIH-funded universities and institutions and in NIH labs.

To further assist with the coordination and implementation of the Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research, NIH Institute and Center Directors appointed a Senior Leadership Group (SLG) for the Office of Nutrition Research.

The opportunities in the strategic plan complement and enhance ongoing research efforts across NIH to improve health and to prevent or combat diseases and conditions affected by nutrition. The figure below shows estimated NIH nutrition research funding for FY 2023.

NIH Nutrition Research Funding, Fiscal Year (FY) 2023

NIH Nutrition Research Funding, Fiscal Year 2023

Source: NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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