Senior Leadership Group for the Office of Nutrition Research

NIH Institute and Center (IC) Directors appointed a Senior Leadership Group (SLG) for the Office of Nutrition Research to assist with the coordination and implementation of the Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research.  The SLG:
  • Advises the ONR Director and IC leadership on nutrition research topics
  • Shares IC-specific programmatic activities related to nutrition to identify approaches to facilitate collaboration across NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices
  • Proposes, reviews, and facilitates collaboration on initiatives or trans-NIH projects to implement the Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research
Senior Leadership Group for the Office of Nutrition Research
FICSusan Vorkoper, MPH, MSW
NCCIHWendy J. Weber, ND, PhD, MPH
NCIJill Reedy, PhD, MPH, RD
NEIEmily Chew, MD
NHGRIColin Fletcher, PhD
NHLBICharlotte Pratt, PhD, MS, RD, FAHA
NIAYih-Woei Fridell, PhD
NIAAAPeter Gao, MD
NIAIDRyan Ranallo, PhD
NIAMSXibin Wang, PhD
NIDARoger Little, PhD
NIDCDJoanne Karimbakas, MS, RDN
NIDCRLillian Shum, PhD
NIDDKStephen P. James, MD
NIEHSKimberly Gray, PhD
NIGMSChris Chao, PhD
NIMHMarjorie Garvey, MB, BCh
NIMHDRina Das, PhD
NINDSAdam Hartman, MD
NINRElizabeth Tarlov, RN, PhD
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