Senior Leadership Group for the Office of Nutrition Research
NIH Institute and Center (IC) Directors appointed a Senior Leadership Group (SLG) for the Office of Nutrition Research to assist with the coordination and implementation of the Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research. The SLG:
- Advises the ONR Director and IC leadership on nutrition research topics
- Shares IC-specific programmatic activities related to nutrition to identify approaches to facilitate collaboration across NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices
- Proposes, reviews, and facilitates collaboration on initiatives or trans-NIH projects to implement the Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research
Senior Leadership Group for the Office of Nutrition Research
IC | Appointee |
FIC | Susan Vorkoper, MPH, MSW |
NCCIH | Wendy J. Weber, ND, PhD, MPH |
NCI | Jill Reedy, PhD, MPH, RD |
NEI | Emily Chew, MD |
NHGRI | Colin Fletcher, PhD |
NHLBI | Charlotte Pratt, PhD, MS, RD, FAHA |
NIA | Yih-Woei Fridell, PhD |
NIAAA | Peter Gao, MD |
NIAID | Ryan Ranallo, PhD |
NIAMS | Xibin Wang, PhD |
IC | Appointee |
NIDA | Roger Little, PhD |
NIDCD | Joanne Karimbakas, MS, RDN |
NIDCR | Lillian Shum, PhD |
NIDDK | Stephen P. James, MD |
NIEHS | Kimberly Gray, PhD |
NIGMS | Chris Chao, PhD |
NIMH | Marjorie Garvey, MB, BCh |
NIMHD | Rina Das, PhD |
NINDS | Adam Hartman, MD |
NINR | Elizabeth Tarlov, RN, PhD |