Nutrition Across the Lifespan Implementation Working Group
This working group will advance research to define the role of nutrition to optimize health and prevent disease across the lifespan. The group is comprised of program staff from multiple Institutes, Centers, and Offices across the NIH with expertise in the impact of nutrition on health, development, and disease from the periconceptional and prenatal timepoints to old age. Recognizing that each phase across the lifespan has unique research needs (e.g., pregnancy, infancy and early toddlerhood, adolescence, young and middle-aged adults, and older adulthood), the group will promote research on understudied time windows as well as research to better understand how nutritional needs and eating behaviors change throughout the lifespan to provide an evidence base for dietary intake recommendations to promote appropriate growth and development, health, disease prevention, and improved disease outcomes.
Andrew Bremer, NICHD

Krista Zanetti, ONR

Severn Churn, NINDS
Rosaly Correa-De-Araujo, NIA
Yih-Woei Fridell, NIA
Stephanie George, NIAMS
Rashmi Gopal-Srivastava, NCATS
Kirsten Herrick, NCI
Somdat Mahabir, NCI
Padma Maruvada, NIDDK
Nancy Potischman, ODS
Charlotte Pratt, NHLBI
Jill Reedy, NCI
Karen Regan, ODS
Shamsi Raeissi, NINDS
Gabriela Riscuta, NCI
Edward Sauter, NCI
Ashley Vargas, NICHD
Susan Vorkoper, FIC
Anil Wali, NCI
Dan Xi, NCI