Council of Councils Membership


Tara A. Schwetz, Ph.D.        
Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and        
Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI)        
Office of the Director        
National Institutes of Health


All terms end October 31 of year in parenthesis unless otherwise noted.

Kristin Ardlie, Ph.D. (2024)        
Director, Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx LDACC)        
Broad Institute of Harvard University and        
Massachusetts Institute of Technology        
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Linda Chang, M.D., M.S., FAAN, FANA, FISMRM (2024)        
Professor and Vice Chair for Faculty Development        
Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine        
University of Maryland School of Medicine        
Baltimore, Maryland

Graham A. Colditz, M.D., Dr.P.H., M.P.H. (2024)        
Niess-Gain Professor of Surgery,        
Professor of Medicine and Associate Director, Prevention and Control        
Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center        
Deputy Director, Institute for Public Health        
Chief, Division of Public Health Sciences        
Department of Surgery        
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis       
Saint Louis, Missouri

Monica Gandhi, M.D., M.P.H. (2028)        
Professor of Clinical Medicine        
Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases & Global Medicine        
University of California, San Francisco         
San Francisco, California

Rafael Irizarry, Ph.D. (2028)        
Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology         
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute         
Harvard Medical School        
Boston, Massachusetts

Kevin B. Johnson, M.D., M.S., FAAP, FACMI, FIAHSI, FAMIA (2024)        
Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor        
Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics        
Department of Computer and Information Science        
Department of Pediatrics        
Annenberg School for Communication        
University of Pennsylvania        
Vice President, Applied Informatics        
University of Pennsylvania Health System        
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Karen C. Johnston, M.D., M.Sc. (2027)        
Harrison Distinguished Professor of Neurology        
Department of Neurology        
Associate Vice President for Clinical &        
Translational Research        
Office of the Vice President for Research        
University of Virginia        
Director, iTHRIV                
Charlottesville, Virginia

Barbara Kelley (2028) 
Executive Director 
Hearing Loss Association of America 
Bethesda, Maryland

Jean A. King, Ph.D. (2028)        
Dean, Art and Sciences        
Professor of Neuroscience        
Professor of Biology and Biotechnology       
Worcester Polytechnic Institute        
Worcester, Massachusetts

Richard D. Krugman, M.D. (2025)        
Vice Chancellor, Health Affairs        
Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics        
University of Colorado School of Medicine        
Aurora, Colorado

Kevin C. Kent Lloyd, D.V.M., Ph.D. (2027)        
Professor, Department of Surgery        
School of Medicine        
Director, Mouse Biology Program        
Associate Director, Comprehensive Cancer Center        
University of California, Davis        
Davis, California

Jennifer Jaie Manly, Ph.D. (2028)        
Professor of Neurophysiology in Neurology       
Gertrude H. Sergievky Center and the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain        
Columbia University Medical Center        
New York, New York

Rhonda Robinson-Beale, M.D. (2024)        
UnitedHealthcare Group        
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Susan Sanchez, Ph.D. (2024)        
Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases        
College of Veterinary Medicine        
Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute        
The University of Georgia        
Athens, Georgia

Anna Maria Siega-Riz, Ph.D., M.S. (2024)        
Dean and Professor        
Departments of Nutrition, and Biostatistics and Epidemiology        
School of Public Health and Health Sciences        
University of Massachusetts Amherst        
Amherst, Massachusetts

Lauren Silvis, J.D. (2028)        
Senior Vice President of External Affairs       
Tempus, Inc.        
Washington, D.C.

Russell N. Van Gelder, M.D., Ph.D. (2025)        
Professor and Chair, Ophthalmology        
Boyd K. Bucey Professor        
Director of UW Medicine Eye Institute        
Adjunct Professor, Departments of Pathology        
and Biological Structure        
University of Washington        
Seattle, Washington


Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D.        
Principal Deputy Director        
National Institutes of Health        
Bethesda, Maryland


Franziska B. Grieder, D.V.M., Ph.D.        
Director, Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)        
National Institutes of Health 
Bethesda, Maryland


(The heads of the DPCPSI offices serve as liaisons to the Council of Councils.)

Andrew A. Bremer, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.S., F.A.A.P.        
Office of Nutrition Research, DPCPSI, OD

Janine A. Clayton, M.D., FARVO        
Office of Research on Women's Health, DPCPSI, OD

Diana Finzi, Ph.D.   
Acting Director       
Office of AIDS Research, DPCPSI, OD

Susan K. Gregurick, Ph.D.        
Office of Data Science Strategy, DPCPSI, OD

Franziska B. Grieder, D.V.M., Ph.D.        

David M. Murray, Ph.D.        
Office of Disease Prevention, DPCPSI, OD

Karen L. Parker, Ph.D., M.S.W.        
Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office, DPCPSI, OD

Stefan M. Pasiakos, Ph.D., FACSM  
Office of Dietary Supplements, DPCPSI, OD

George Santangelo, Ph.D.        
Office of Portfolio Analysis, DPCPSI, OD

Douglas M. Sheeley, Sc.D.        
Acting Director        
Office of Strategic Coordination, DPCPSI, OD

Jane M. Simoni, Ph.D.      
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, DPCPSI, OD

Marina L. Volkov, Ph.D.        
Office of Evaluation, Performance, and Reporting, DPCPSI, OD

Karina L. Walters, Ph.D., M.S.W.       
Tribal Health Research Office, DPCPSI, OD


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