Council of Councils Working Group on the Use of Chimpanzees in NIH-Supported Research - Conference Call
December 20, 2012 (12:00pm-2:00pm EST)
- Welcome and Roll Call – Jim Anderson, the Hill Group
- Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure – Lora Kutkat
- Approval of Minutes from the Nov. 27 and Dec. 11 meetings – Co-Chairs
- Discussion of Awarded Project – All
- Status of Draft Report Sections
- Colony Management Subgroup
- Emerging Diseases Subgroup
- Implementation Subgroup
- Upcoming Meetings, Calls, Events – Hill Group
- WG Call-- Tuesday, Jan. 8: 12 - 1pm (PST)/ 3 - 4pm (EST)
- Report Development Timeline (Reminder)
- Dec. 20th: WG teleconference.
- Will need call specifically focused on any issues arising.
- Jan. 7th: Final report circulated to WG members.
- Jan. 8th: WG teleconference.
- Jan. 14th: All comments compiled from WG members and document finalized.
- Jan. 14th: NIH to upload the report to the Electronic Council Book (ECB) - a secure site for the NIH Council of Councils members.