Office of Portfolio Analysis

Who We Are

The Office of Portfolio Analysis (OPA) was established in 2011 and is part of the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) within the Office of the NIH Director (OD). OPA enables NIH research administrators and decision-makers to evaluate and prioritize current and emerging areas of research that will advance scientific knowledge and improve human health.

What We Do

OPA supports the NIH mission by expanding its analytic capabilities through development and dissemination of new methods, computational tools, and best practices. We are a resource for portfolio analysis guidance across the NIH and provide individual consultations and custom learning experiences. The OPA Strategic Plan FY 2021-2025 outlines how the office will accelerate biomedical research by supporting data-driven decision making.

OPA regularly publishes advances in methodology and metascience research in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals. Read all OPA Publications.

Analytical tools developed by OPA can be easily accessed via the web.


iCite is a tool to access a dashboard of bibliometrics for papers associated with a portfolio. iCite has three modules: Influence, Translation, and Open Citations. Access for NIH Staff or Access for General Public

iSearch COVID‑19 Portfolio

In response to analytical needs in connection with the SARS‑CoV‑2 pandemic, OPA has developed a comprehensive, expert-curated portfolio of COVID‑19 publications and preprints. Our iSearch COVID‑19 portfolio, which includes peer-reviewed articles from PubMed and preprints from arXiv, bioRxiv, ChemRxiv, medRxiv,, Qeios, and Research Square, is updated daily with the latest available data. NIH staff can access the COVID-19 portfolio through the internal iTools dashboard, or through the public link.

Upcoming Training

OPA hosts training classes for NIH staff seeking guidance using OPA tools and conducting analysis. Learn more about our training and resources, one-on-one consultations, or contact our training team.

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