Nutrition Research Coordinating Committee (NRCC)

The NIH Nutrition Research Coordinating Committee (NRCC) was established by the NIH Office of the Director in 1975 to improve communication and research coordination of nutrition activities within the NIH and across the federal government. Today, it provides an open forum for members to discuss current and future nutrition research challenges and opportunities.

The NRCC has broad representation from the NIH’s 27 Institutes and Centers, as well as several Offices. In addition, liaisons from other federal offices and agencies also participate. The NRCC meets monthly on the first Thursday morning of each month. NRCC membership is open to any federal staff member involved in carrying out trans-NIH or trans-agency nutrition research efforts.

NRCC meetings are chaired by the Director of the Office of Nutrition Research, Dr. Andrew A. Bremer. Scientific seminars and discussions are featured during the NRCC meetings as a means of disseminating information on nutrition research efforts and to stimulate new research in priority areas.

For more information about this Committee, including who your ICOs’ point of contact is, please contact ONR at: [email protected]

Nutrition Education Subcommittee (NES) – A Subcommittee of the NIH Nutrition Research Coordinating Committee, the NES reviews NIH nutrition education materials that contain dietary guidance for the general population.

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